Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Inevitable Reality

Death. Perhaps one of the most dreaded of words. It separates loved ones. It is often unannounced and unwanted. And yet, it is inevitable for everyone. We are all going to die, unless Jesus returns first.

Today, the news of the death of Farrah Fawcett was not unexpected. She had been battling cancer for at least three years. The death of Michael Jackson, however, was completely unexpected. That is why so many people were shocked at the news of his death.

It has been stated that there are two things in life that are inevitable: death and taxes. There are certainly many ways that a person can avoid paying taxes. Having immense amounts of money can certainly help you avoid paying taxes. Yet that same money cannot buy you one more day than God has decreed. Death comes for all of us. Even though we know that fact intellectually and experientially, we still seem to live in a state of denial. Most all of us have thought that death always happens to the other person. And yet, for the one that death comes calling, it is certain that they had always believed that they would not be the other person!

Money, fame, prestige, influence, or reputation cannot keep death at bay. Since death comes calling for all of us, as Christians we know it is imperative that people have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We are commanded to share the Good News that our sins are forgiven through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. Apart from a saving relationship with Jesus, people will die in their sins and spend eternity in eternal torment. Thus, when the news of celebrity deaths are being reported and talked about by many, we have a unique opportunity to share the Gospel as we talk about the death of someone famous.

We should never rejoice in the death of an unbeliever, yet it does give us a window of opportunity to talk with people about death and eternal life. May we be ready for the opportunities to share about the hope of eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Just thinking,


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