Thursday, July 23, 2009

I Don't Believe in Brad Pitt!

I read an article today on FoxNews website ( where Brad Pitt stated that he is 20% atheist and 80% agnostic. Well, that's exactly how I feel about him.

I have seen him in a number of movies - if that was really him and not some Hollywood creation - so I am about 20% certain he exists! Since I have never personally met him or even seen him in person, I cannot really be certain that he exists. Really now, he could just be a figment of an over-active imagination on the part of millions of movie-goers. Like silly little children, millions of viewers have foolishly believed that Brad Pitt is a real Hollywood actor. And this is because of a scheme by Hollywood to purposely and maliciously deceive honest, hardworking individuals so that they will spend their time and money watching a (seriously) non-existent person!

I know this all sounds like nonsense, but why would anyone really believe that Brad Pitt exists? Just because others have said they have met him? How do we not know that they are not a part of the great scheme to fool us?

For those who think I am being ridiculous, I submit that I am being far less ridiculous than those who claim to not believe in God! There is more evidence that God exists than there is that Brad Pitt exists. REALLY!!!

Just Thinking :)



  1. And to think. Brad Pitt grew up in a strict Southern Baptist home in Oklahoma.
